Zoom Wordpress

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Remote type of work requires powerful tools to make sure all the business processes correspond to the level and are done without any loss.
Video conferences, online meetings, and chat sessions play a significant role in providing and maintaining communication between participants and contribute to smooth collaboration in terms of distance interaction.

To make the process even more convenient, StylemixThemes developed eRoom – Zoom Meetings & Webinar WordPress Plugin to ensure you have a strong tool supporting your business.

  1. The Zoom WordPress plugin gives you the ability to conduct on-site Zoom meetings without the need for downloading the Zoom App. Note: This Zoom WordPress plugin is an early fork of the “Video Conferencing with Zoom” plugin developed by Deepen Bajracharya. It can not be used simultaneously with that plugin. Now let’s dig into the features that are bundled with this Zoom WordPress plugin.
  2. Zoom Integration in Amelia WordPress Booking Plugin Many of the services today are provided completely online, and like that require a place where online meetings can be hold. Integration with Zoom, the leader in modern enterprise video communication, is made to allow you to schedule and maintain those meetings online through audio, chat and/or.

⭐ Upgrade to eRoom Pro Features
⭐ eRoom Documentation

eRoom plugin is natively integrated into bestselling WordPress themes:
⭐ MasterStudy — Education WordPress Theme
⭐ Consulting — Business & Corporate WordPress Theme

Introducing eRoom – Zoom Meetings & Webinar WordPress Plugin

eRoom – Zoom Meetings & Webinar WordPress Plugin provides you with great functionality of managing Zoom meetings, scheduling options, and users directly from your WordPress dashboard.
The plugin is a free yet robust and reliable extension that enables direct integration of the world’s leading video conferencing tool Zoom with your WordPress website.

Zoom Wordpress Scanner

With the help of the plugin, you will be able to create and manage meetings making it easier for every user to participate.


Zoom Webinars

Zoom Webinars are an ideal solution for virtual lectures. It is a perfect way to conduct big online events and distribute them to large audiences.

Webinars make a valuable addition to the eRoom plugin and reflect the best practice of a one-to-many communication approach.

Webinars will be perfect for you if you:

  • offer virtual lectures;
  • distribute to a large audience;
  • use the listen-only mode;
  • want to diversify your content;
  • want to manage webinars directly from your dashboard.

With flexible Zoom plans, the number of webinar participants can be up to 10,000.

In eRoom plugin, you will be able to create webinars, add them to any page of the site, and sell them as WooCommerce Products. A convenient management system will be enjoyable for you and beneficial to your customers.

Who Is It For?

eRoom – Zoom Meetings & Webinar Plugin is a comprehensive tool, which is an indispensable and necessary solution for lots of educational institutions, consulting firms, and remote businesses.
It is especially helpful while adapting to distance work. The plugin and the idea of video conferencing are applicable to a wide range of niches, especially it is beneficial for online learning.

This tool is suitable for conducting online training sessions, seminars and lectures, business meetings and online consultations.
The service is developed for collaboration, training, and technical support and mainly aims to enhance the engagement among the participants.
eRoom – Zoom Meetings & Webinar helps to shorten the distance and connect you with your coworkers regardless of your location.

Main Features

With eRoom – Zoom Meetings & Webinar Plugin you do not need to obtain and combine any other video conferencing solutions.
It is a complete, comprehensive tool that connects your website with the ultimate eRoom – Zoom Meetings & Webinar service and provides you with lots of control options.


Zoom wordpress scanner
  • Compatible with WordPress
  • Provides integration of Zoom on WordPress
  • Compatible with Zoom API
  • Enables Zoom video conferencing features
  • Provides shortcode to conduct the meeting on any WordPress page
  • Has admins area to manage the meetings
  • Allows to add and manage users
  • Includes Zoom performance and engagement reports

eRoom purchasable meetings

For those who want to monetize the meetings or offer the customers something new, you can always upgrade eRoom plugin with the paid addon — eRoom purchasable meetings.

eRoom purchasable meetings will add more value to your business. With this tool, you can make your video conferences and webinars available for purchase as WooCommerce products. A great way to monetize your services in a digital format. Offer your customers consultations, and training as live sessions or recorded webinars and let them choose and buy the favorite product.

Simple in usage

Zoom Wordpress Website

Interaction between eRoom and WooCommerce plugins makes it very easy to create a purchasable meeting. All you need to do is to add your meeting as a new WooCommerce product which makes it available for users to buy. Users can join the meeting directly from the browser or Zoom app. There is also a possibility for them to interact with the host via messages.

  • Easily use it on any WordPress website without interruptions.
  • Integrate your website with the most popular conferencing platform Zoom.
  • Apply all the major video conferencing features from Zoom on your site.
  • Use shortcodes and builder modules to add meetings to any site page.
  • Enjoy an intuitive admins panel and effortlessly adjust settings.

Promote your services in a new way

Use purchasable meetings as a marketing tool. Find a new audience that will be interested in online webinars and will be ready to pay for it.

Why You Should Use the Plugin

eRoom – Zoom Meetings & Webinar WordPress plugin is the perfect solution for your website if you are interested in broadcasting live or hosting virtual events in real-time.
High-definition video and audio and the ability to join for many participants are the primary things you get.
Companies can stay connected with text, image, and audio file delivery over instant messaging communications.

The main objective of this plugin is to enable the meetings and joining them straight from the page of your WordPress website.
The plugin lets you schedule meetings from the WordPress dashboard. There is a shortcode that is generated automatically and can be added to the page,
so users can see a countdown before the meeting starts and join the meeting directly from the page.

The plugin allows you to use all the features provided by Zoom, such as:

  • Video conference option.
  • Manage participants
  • Live chat
  • Screen sharing option
  • Full-screen mode

More Awesome Free Plugins by Stylemix

⭐ Cost Calculator & Price Estimation Plugin
⭐ Zoom Meetings and Webinars Plugin — eRoom
⭐ BookIt – a free booking calendar plugin
⭐ MasterStudy – All-in-One WordPress LMS Plugin
⭐ Free Classifieds and Listings Plugin – uListing


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Please find more details on Plugin Installation in documentation
  4. Set Up Page in Menu -> Zoom.


How do users join the conference?

Users will have two options. They can join the conference either via the browser or in the Zoom app. Both options provide the same experience.

How can I manage the meetings, do I have to use Zoom itself?

Everything is held in your dashboard, the plugin enables the full integration with the Zoom platform. So you use only the admin panel and create and manage Zoom meetings directly on your website.

Do I have to create a separate page for the meeting or can I paste it to any site page?

There are shortcodes and popular page builders modules that will help you to insert conference to any page on your website.

Is it compatible with my theme?

Yes, the plugin is compatible with any WordPress theme. Install it and enjoy the flawless performance.

Am I able to manage users?

The plugin settings allow you to add and manage users. But, you should remember that you can add users in accordance with the Zoom Plans, so they will be active for the chosen plan. More information about Zoom pricing plans you can find here: https://zoom.us/pricing

Do I need a Zoom account?

Yes, you should be registered in Zoom. Also, on the plan you are using there depends the number of hosts and users you can add.

What if I want to save the webinar?

You can do it, just use the URL link of the video, so users could watch it later. In addition to this, with eRoom purchasable meetings plugin you will be able even to sell your webinars and meetings. Learn more: https://stylemixthemes.com/zoom-meetings-webinar-plugin/


Zoom Wordpress Embed

It does what it says on the tin, however it is still rough around the edges. Some of the shortcodes are not fully responsive, for example when you list a meeting using the countdown timer, and the page size doesn't quite fit the authors view of what the page size should be, the countdown numbers stack unevenly.Also multiple assumptions are made about what the zoom session will be used for so you have to start customising the templates if you want the meeting to be labelled a Class and you want the speaker to be labelled as a Teacher. The meeting date would be better labelled as just Date: If the speaker doesn't have a gravatar or you don't want to display one, then you need to edit this out in the CSS.Recurring meetings were not supported, but hopefully this is fixed in the latest release. Not sure yet how recurring meetings will be supported in E-Room pro when a customer can buy access to the meeting.The authors can fix all these things, but every time you send a suggestion to support, they come back and ask if you want to buy some customisation.Lastly the prompt on the admin screen won't go away even if you post a review and the page to get you to buy Pro is annoying.Having said all that I can make it do what I want, but I have to heavily customise the templates and the CSS.

*** Zoom Integration for WooCommerce Change-logs **

2021.03.12 – version 2.4.5
* Feature: Allow to sell Zoom Product for zero price.
* Fixed: Join via web browser text made translatable.

2021.03.07 – version 2.4.4
* Fixed: Undefined start_time error in cart pages.

2021.02.07 – version 2.4.3
* Fixed: Purchased recordings list error if meeting is deleted.

2021.01.28 – version 2.4.2
* Fixed: Multiple purchased recordings being fetched for same product

2021.01.04 – version 2.4.1
* Fixed: My accounts endpoint pages not working.

2020.12.31 – version 2.4.0
* Added: Show purchased meeting recordings in user accounts page.

2020.12.21 – version 2.3.10
* Dev Feature: When meeting time is updated (UTC Time) – reset email reminder sent flag ’_vczapi_cron_run_order_one_day’

2020.12.21 – version 2.3.9
* Dev: Only get meetings 2 days in the future for reminder email – also use UTC date.

2020.11.27 – version 2.3.8
* Added: Filter to change site email address when email is sent from cron. Filter: vczapi_woocommerce_change_sent_email

2020.11.24 – versoin 2.3.7
* Fix: Incorrect date tme shown on cart and checkout due to start_time and UTC conversion on cart and checkout

2020.11.23 – versoin 2.3.6
* Fix: Edge case scenario returning refunded / non-existent orders

2020.11.19 – version 2.3.5
* Dev: Added vczapi_before_new_zoom_product_saved and vczapi_before_zoom_product_saved hooks to allow for changes

2020.11.17 – version 2.3.4
* Fix: Date format not correct on Cart and Checkout

2020.11.12 – version 2.3.3
* Fix: Wrong dates being shown on my account > meetings page

Zoom Wordpress Tutorial

2020.11.05 – version 2.3.2
* Feature: WPML Compatibility added

2020.11.04 – version 2.3.1
* Feature: Compatibility with Zoom Booking addon.

2020.08.13 – version 2.3.0
* Feature: Added compatibility for Video Conferencing with Zoom PRO

2020.08.04 – version 2.2.4
* Update: Add join via browser link in reminder e-mails

2020.07.31 – version 2.2.3
* Dev: Add filter `vczapi_woocommerce_join_via_app_text` to allow change of Join via App text for oder details and order emaila

2020.07.29 – version 2.2.2
* Feature: Added sorting for meeting lists on my account page
* Dev: Added filter vczapi_woocommerce_meeting_order_posts_per_page to determine number of meetings to show per page on /my-account/

2020.07.20 – version 2.2.1
* Update: Correction for purchasable meetings and category – code was not working.

2020.07.20 – version 2.2.0
* Update: Better upcoming purchasable meetings query update – requires meetings to be saved on the backend once again.

2020.05.25 – version 2.1.9
* Fix: missing translations update

2020.05.24 – version 2.1.8
* Feature: Reminder email templates made translateable: note if you have overwritten email templates – please change templates from .html to .php

2020.05.22 – version 2.1.7
* Added: Compatiblity fix for PRO version requirements.

2020.05.06 – version 2.1.6
* Fixed: JS issue due to registrants table.

2020.04.27 – version 2.1.5
* Added: Meeting Registrants list inside product and meeting post type individual edit page.

2020.04.23 – version 2.1.4
* Fixed: Dependency update for recurring meetings addon.

2020.04.21 – version 2.1.3
* Fixed: Removed and corrected Fatal error related to recurring meetings plugin dependency check.

2020.04.20 – version 2.1.2
* Changed: Minor Bug Fixes
* Changed: add_query_args fix for join via browser links

2020.04.16 – version 2.1.1
* Added: Fatal Error fix updater function being called (unresolved namespace).

2020.04.15 – version 2.1.0
* Added: Support for WooCommerce Product Vendors

2020.04.14 – version 2.0.14
* Fixed: Error fix for function call which did not exist in accounts page.

2020.04.07 – version 2.0.13
* Change: Make meetings listing overwritable, show meeting time instead of order time, add classes.

2020.04.06 – version 2.0.11/version 2.0.12
* Fix: Update to use correct encrypt_decrypt function

2020.04.06 – version 2.0.11
* Fix: Update to use correct encrypt_decrypt function

2020.03.31 – version 2.0.10
* Fix: Wrong time showing in Order details – timezone issue

Zoom Wordpress Scanner

2020.03.30 – version 2.0.9
* Feature: Ability to log reminder emails for easier debugging
* Feature: Updated Shortcodes and make Shortcodes over writable

2020.03.29 – version 2.0.8
* Fix: Do not show meetings tab on products that do not have meetings assigned.
* Added: Browser join link in emails as well as my-accounts section
* Added: Disable join via browser link in general tab

2020.03.26 – version 2.0.7
* Fix: Make value uniform for enable_woocommerce meeting meta

Zoom Wordpress Theme

2020.03.24 – version 2.0.6
* Fix: Check disable meeting reminder correctly
* Feature: Added hooks for reminder emails

2020.03.23 – version 2.0.5
* Feature: Unlink Zoom Meeting with product when product gets deleted

2020.03.21 – version 2.0.4
* Feature: Added reminder e-mails option – allow notification emails to be sent for meetings

2020.03.20 – version 2.0.3
* Fixed: Fix product unlink link when product is not zoom meeting

2020.03.20 – version 2.0.2
* Fixed: Adjust validation for Zoom Meetings only
* Shortcode: Added to shortcode to see purchasable products

2020.03.19 – version 2.0.1
*Fixed: Add to cart button for Zoom Meetings type.

2020.03.18 – version 2.0.0
* Added: Zoom Meetings post type change directly from WooCommerce for flexibility.
* Added: Variable products will work now with pricing if Zoom Meeting is linked from Product section directly.
* Fixed: Warning error due to array_push() string on file ProductType.php
* Fixed: Minor bug fixes

2020.03.16 – version 1.0.1
* Added: Three hour before meeting emails added.

2020.03.12 – version 1.0.0
* Initial Release