Woocommerce Page Builder

WooCommerce Page Builder For Elementor Nulled is the ideal Elementor add-on to effortlessly layout for WooCommerce and more. Demo WooCommerce Page Builder For Elementor Plugin WooCommerce Page Builder For Elementor Features Single Product page builder. WP Page Builder has no built in WooComerce addon. This is simple WP Page Builder addon for WooComerce. You can make a beafutiful shop page with this plugin.

Many of our themes include a “Business” template that allows you to create a traditionally laid out landing page giving visitors and overview of your business. This is a good starting point however sometimes you might want some more flexibility to create truly unique layouts.

Enter SiteOrigins Page Builder.

SiteOrigin’s Page Builder is a fantastic plugin which allows you to create complex page layouts and pull in content via widgets. It’s well worth watching the video on their plugin listing page to get an idea of the functionality this plugin provides.

In this article, we’re going to use this plugin (along with some of our own) and Canvas (although you can use any theme) to create a custom homepage displaying features, testimonials, products, projects and a recent post.

Install the plugins ↑ Back to top

  1. Shop Page is just the tip of the iceberg; you can customize your single Product pages, Checkout page, Cart page, and even the Add to Cart button! Get WooPack for Beaver Builder. WooPack is a set of WooCommerce Modules for Beaver Builder. It will help you build beautiful WooCommerce websites while using Beaver Builder 🙂.
  2. Woo Commerce Page Builder Is ideal WPBakery Page Builder add-on to effortlessly layout a custom product page, custom cart page, custom checkout page, a custom my account page for WooCommerce and more. Want to stand out? Feel like breaking the rules?

We’ll be utilising features of the following plugins:


Only the Page Builder is necessary, but we’ll be using the others to add different elements to the page. For brevity, I’m going to assume that if you’re using these plugins then you’ve already added some content to them (products etc).

Create the page and display some products ↑ Back to top

For the first section on this page, we’re going to display a featured ‘hero’ product and the 4 most recent products alongside it. Step one is to create the page itself and set it to use the full-width layout.

To add the products, we’ll be using WooCommerce shortcodes and text widgets placed in regions created by the page builder.

Add a widget row ↑ Back to top

Click the add row button and choose 2 columns to create a row containing 2 equal width columns:

Next, click Add Widget, search for “text” and click it to open the text widget dialog box. Leave the title blank and in the content box add the WooCommerce shortcode: [featured_products per_page=”1″ columns=”1″]. Click Done to add the widget.

Next, add another text widget and use the shortcode: [recent_products per_page=”4″ columns=”2″]. This will add a second widget to the first of the 2 columns we created in our row. Simply drag the second widget into the second column to arrange the products.

Save the page and then preview it. You should see something like this:

At this stage, you might want to play with the number of products displayed and/or the column widths to get the layout just right. To line everything up nicely I’ve tweaked the first column to be 55% wide, making the second 45% by dragging the column separator in the page builder. This is the result:

Testimonials ↑ Back to top

Now that we’ve got some products up on our homepage, let’s display a customer testimonial so that everyone knows how great our customer service is!

Let’s add another row, this time with just a single column. Afterwards, click Add Widget again and search for “Testimonials”. Click the testimonials widget and configure it to display a single testimonial, picking a specific post ID if that’s your preference.

Click Done to add the widget. Again, this will be added to column 1 of row 1, so just drag it down to the new row we just created then save the page. The testimonial will now appear beneath your products and look something like this:

Display features ↑ Back to top

Beneath the testimonial, we’ll display some features. Create another row with 1 column, click Add Widget and search for “Features” and click it. We’re going to display a row of 4 features by specifying the widget options like so:

This will produce a row of 4 features beneath the testimonial and look something like this:

(Please note that in this demonstration I’m using the Icons for Features plugin to display icons for the features).

Display projects and posts ↑ Back to top

Finally, let’s display some projects and some recent posts. Add another row, this time with 2 columns. Click Add Widget and add another text widget. We’ll use this text widget to display projects by adding the shortcode [projects limit=”2″ columns=”2″]. Click Done then drag the widget to the appropriate column.

Click Add Widget again and search for “Post Loop”. This widget is included in Page Builder and as the name suggests will allow you to display a loop of recent posts. There are several options for this widget, for now, we’ll just display the most recent post using the loop.php template file.

Drag and drop the widgets accordingly then beneath your features you should see recent projects and a blog post like so:

Putting it all together ↑ Back to top

All together your page should now look something like this:

Hopefully, this demonstration gives you an idea of what’s possible by simply using the Page Builder plugin, some shortcodes and widgets. This is, of course, a fairly basic example. By adding a little custom CSS, tweaking the layout, introducing a slider, adding more columns etc you can create a truly unique page layout with a variety of content, right from the dashboard.


Do you want to create a WooCommerce website with the Elementor page builder? Want to learn what all you can do with WooCommerce and Elementor with the Elementor WooCommerce builder? Want to customize WooCommerce pages such as Single product pages, Archive pages / Product category pages, Cart page, Checkout page, and other shop pages with Elementor?

You have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss in detail everything you can do with WooCommerce and Elementor to create a unique and elegant WooCommerce website of your dreams.

Elementor WooCommerce Theme

Before we move on to working with Elementor page builder you first need to find an Elementor WooCommerce theme that best suits the kind of WooCommerce store you want to create.

We suggest you go with the free Astra Theme, which is one of the best Elementor WooCommerce themes.

It has ready-made demo sites that you can easily import and customize. See this tutorial to install Astra theme and import demo sites in less than 5 minutes.

Astra Theme + Elementor Pro + WooCommerce = Dream eCommerce Store

If you want more options, you can choose from the list of best Elementor WooCommerce themes, these themes work best with Elementor page builder.

There are other best WooCommerce Elementor themes that are themes specially made for WooCommerce stores than work well with Elementor. Many of them are free themes.

Installing and Setting up the WooCommerce plugin

Before you can customize your website with Elementor you need to install and setup the WooCommerce plugin on your WordPress site.

Note: if you already have a WooCommerce store with products you can skip this part and move to the next part.

In your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins → Add New and search ‘WooCommerce’. Install and activate the WooCommerce plugin.

You will be taken to WooCommerce Setup Wizard.

See how to use the Setup Wizard here.

Here you only need to fill the basic details and can skip the unnecessary parts. You can edit and change things later. Especially, you can skip the Choose a Theme page, if you have already installed the Elementor WooCommerce theme of your choice.

You can also choose to use the free Storefront theme in this option. The Storefront WooCommerce theme does work with Elementor but it has limited features and it is not recommended.

After configuration, now add products to your store. In the dashboard go to Products → Add New, add your products and fill all the details. For more details on creating WooCommerce products see here.

After creating all your products we can move on customizing with Elementor WooCommerce builder.

How to User Elementor WooCommerce Builder to Create a Dream eCommerce Store:

There are 3 ways in which you can use the Elementor for WooCommerce:

  1. Create and set Elementor templates for Single Product page
  2. Create a WooCommerce Shop page and Product Archive pages
  3. Create a custom cart page and checkout page

How to use the Elementor WooCommerce widgets for your store?

Elementor WooCommerce builder is a feature that comes in the Elementor Pro version that gives you 14+ Elementor WooCommerce product widgets. If you want to use the WooCommerce builder you have to get the Elementor Pro Page Builder.

  • Product Title widget – Customize the style and layout of the Product Title
  • Breadcrumbs widget – Helps customers to navigate your store by showing WooCommerce Breadcrumbs. You can edit colors and layout for the breadcrumbs
  • Product Image widget – Set Image or image gallery the product
  • Product Rating widget – Set the style and position of the Product Rating where it is to be displayed in the Single Product template
  • Product Price widget – Choose the position and style of the Product Price
  • Custom Add to Cart widget – With this widget, you can add an Add To Cart button anywhere on your site and help visitors to make the purchase
  • Product Data Tabs widget – With this widget, you can add Data Tabs with product specifications such as dimensions, description, color, etc. You can change the Data Tabs style
  • Product Stock widget – You can add a Product Stock Widget to display the product’s stock number
  • Additional Information widget – This widget shows the Additional Information of your product
  • Product Content widget – Set your own style to the Product Content
  • Product-Related widget – Set your own style to the Related Products
  • Upsells widget – Set your own style to the Upsell Products
  • Short Description widget – Customize the layout and style of Short Description
  • Product Meta widget – Control the style and position of your Product Metadata

1. How to create an Elementor Single Product Template

First, we need to allow Elementor for the WooCommerce products. To do this go to Elementor –> Settings –> General

Here, tick the checkbox near Products in the Post Types, as you see in the image below.

For creating Elementor templates for WooCommerce you have to use the Theme builder features. To do this,

  1. In your WordPress dashboard, under Elementor, go to Templates → Theme Builder → Single Product → Add New
  2. You will see a dropdown from this choose Single Product, give it a name, and then click Create Template
  3. You would see an empty page like the one above, here you can click the file icon and you will ready-made Elementor templates known as Single Product Blocks
  4. You can choose any block from this and click Insert and the ready-made block will be inserted into your single product template
  5. Then you can make the changes to this and customize your template
  6. Alternatively, you can design your own single product template from the scratch by dragging and dropping all the required Elementor WooCommerce product widgets such as Product Title, Product image, Product price, etc.,
  7. After you finish designing, click the Publish button
Choosing the Display Conditions to Apply the Single Product Template

Now that we have created the single product template, we have to decide where this template will be applied. You can choose to apply this template for all single product pages in your shop, or for a specific product or product category. To apply the Display Conditions,

  1. Near the ‘Publish’ button you can find an upwards arrow, if you click it you can find the ‘Display Conditions’ option, click it
  2. In the Publish Settings page click, ‘Add Condition’ decide where this template will be included
  3. You can also choose to exclude a certain page from using this template
  4. Then click ‘Save and Close’ and your template will be applied to all the single product pages in your WooCommerce website.

You can also create and edit individual WooCommerce products by going to the product page in the Dashboard and clicking ‘Edit with Elementor’. If you do this you have to add an ‘Exclude’ condition for the particular product page in the Single Product template display condition.

2. Create a WooCommerce Shop page / Product Archive Template with Elementor


Before we move to create a shop page with Elementor, you need to know the parts of a Shop page that you can customize from the WordPress Theme Customizer.

You can go to the WordPress Customizer from the Dashboard by going to Appearance → Customize

Here you can customize the options such as:

  • Enable/Disable store notice,
  • Choose how and what products are displayed in the product catalog, and
  • Adjust product image ratio

Creating WooCommerce Shop Page with Elementor:

Creating a Shop page / Product archive template is similar to that of Single Product Template but with some minor changes.

Go to Templates → Theme Builder → Single Product → Add New

Here choose Product Archive and give a name for the template.

In this page, you can use the following Elementor WooCommerce widgets listed below to create your shop page design.

Woocommerce Page Builder For Elementor Plugin

    1. Menu Cart widget – This special custom widget that opens the cart in a window. You can display your cart from any page of your website without leaving it. With the Menu Cart widget, you can place a WooCommerce cart icon in your menu or anywhere on your page.
    2. Products widget – This widget allows you to display products on any page of your site. You customize the Product content and style that suits your store.
    3. Product Categories widget – With this widget you can display a grid of WooCommerce Product Categories anywhere on your site
    4. WooCommercePages – This widget allows you to display any WooCommerce Page such as Single Product Page, Checkout Page, Cart Page, Order Tracking Form, or My Account Page on any page
    5. WooCommerce Breadcrumbs widget
    6. Add to Cart widget

You can also use various Elementor widgets such as Archive Title. Archive Products, Archive Description, etc,

When you’re done click ‘Publish’, then go to ‘Display conditions’ and include the Shop page and click ‘Save and Close’.

To create templates for various product categories, then in the Display Conditions choose ‘In Product Categories’. If you want different templates for different product categories you can use the Include/Exclude options to apply the template in specific product category pages.

Woocommerce Page Builder Free

3. Creating WooCommerce Checkout page with Elementor

When you’re creating a WooCommerce checkout page with Elementor, you can’t actually add or edit the checkout fields. If you want to edit the checkout fields then you need to use a WooCommerce checkout field editor plugin.

To create a new checkout page with Elementor you need to apply the [woocommerce_checkout] shortcode in the new Elementor page. This applies the checkout features to the page. You can use the Elementor widgets and add other designs you need on the page and publish it.

Then go to WooCommerce → Settings → Advanced and add the new page as the checkout page.

4. Creating WooCommerce Cart page with Elementor

In the same way we created the Checkout page you can create the WooCommerce cart page with Elementor.

You can use the shortcode [woocommerce_cart] on an Elementor page and then add any designs you want to the page and publish it.

Then add this new page to the WooCommerce Settings.

Hope this article helps you to use the Elementor page builder for your WooCommerce store. If there are any questions or anything more that you want us to cover on this topic, please mention it in the comments section.