React Native In Visual Studio Code

This React Native tool was developed and released by Facebook in 2015. It includes a plethora of services such as Remote and JavaScript development, Hack development, built-in debugging, working sets, mercurial support, task runner and so on. Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio Code was created by software giant Microsoft. It is a robust React. I encounter this issue when using the Visual Studio Code Remote - Containers extension and installing the vscode-react-native extension inside the container. In the container I have node installed without using nvm. ReactNative is a great way to build native, cross platform app for iOS and Android using JavaScript. We recently announced the launch of a Visual Studio Code Extension that enables you to build, debug and preview Apache Cordova apps. And today we’re pleased to announce the availability a similar extension for ReactNative!

  1. React Native In Visual Studio Code Example
  2. React Native On Visual Studio
  3. React Native Setup In Visual Studio Code

Around here a few of us are really starting to dig working with Visual Studio Code for our JavaScript development. As part of some updates to our React and Friends course, we began looking at tooling again, with an eye toward making it easy for the beginner in React to find syntax errors in JSX code.

Linting ECMAScript Code with ESLint

There is now support for React Native: Tip: To get IntelliSense for React Native, install the typings for react-native by running tsd install react-native or typings install dtreact-native -global from the terminal. If you also want debugging support then install the preview of the React Native.

Linting, i.e. syntax checking of source code, has been around forever. Linters were originally created when compilation tasks took minutes or hours, as a way to run the syntax checking up front. Eventually interpreted languages came to the fore, and linters became useful tools in build processes, able to spot errors that would normally be caught only at runtime, in the browser.

One of the more popular linters for JavaScript is ESLint. It can be installed in an npm project with:

Linting rules are defined via a configuration file, .eslintrc.js (the file can also be formatted using YAML or JSON). This can be created (and plugins configured) using:

React native in visual studio code 2019

ESLint then asks several questions. An example interaction:

Now you can lint your code. Given this suitably horrible fragment of JavaScript:

We can execute the linter against it like this:

…which outputs something kind of like this (your errors may vary based on how you edited the file and what you did with the .eslintrc.js config file:

Installing ESLint in your NPM Build

This is the fun part. If you open up your project's package.json file, and add the following item to your scripts section, you can issue a npm run-script lint command (mine is from a project created with Create React App, a great React starter utility):

Customizing ESLint for React and create-react-app

There are a number of eslint plugins out there, and several are really useful for a project created with the create-react-app starter. Let's install them (if you used eslint --init you might have the react plugin):

Now, here's a configuration file (.eslintrc.json in this case) that configures my IDE for the common settings we'd need in a typical ES6+ React application:

Enabling ESLint in Visual Studio Code

Now for the final step: installing ESLint support in Visual Studio Code. Use the Extensions icon (the concentric squares) on the left-hand side of the interface to visit the extensions page. I've installed these extensions on my machine:

  • ESLint by Dirk Baeumer, which enables running of ESLint. For this to work, you need to make sure your ESLint library and plugins are installed with npm install as above; once you do this the tool will stop complaining. Resist the urge to install the plugin globally: you should be able to keep the entire configuration local to the project.
  • Code Runner by Jun Han. Very cool little tool that lets you run any code you put in selection (within reason) using CTRL-ALT-M.
  • VIM emulation plugin. VIM emulation for VS Code is the best I've seen.

Happy bug hunting!


While this tutorial has content that we believe is of great benefit to our community, we have not yet tested or edited it to ensure you have an error-free learning experience. It's on our list, and we're working on it! You can help us out by using the 'report an issue' button at the bottom of the tutorial.


When working with React, there’s lots of code that gets repeated over and over....and over and over again. Eventually, you start to think, “there’s got to be a better way”. Don’t worry, there is!

In this article we will look at the ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets** **extension. Yes, it’s a mouthful to spell it all out, but it provides an amazing set of snippets that are invaluable when writing React code.

React Native In Visual Studio Code Example

The ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native Snippets Extension

This snippets extension (I won’t type the entire name out again) is incredibly popular with over 2 million downloads. To back this up, every big time developer I’ve heard talk about React on a podcast, YouTube video, etc. uses this extension and loves it.

I’ve always said that developers are “intentionally lazy”. In other words, we find ways to constantly improve the speed at which we right code by writing less of it ourselves. These snippets making writing React much much faster!

JavaScript Imports

Although this article is focused on snippets for React, React code is primarily made up of modern JavaScript. For this reason, this extension includes several useful JavaScript snippets.

In modern JavaScript, code is broken up to different modules and then reused in other areas using the import syntax. Here’s a couple of import snippets to consider.

Import a default export.

Import a named export.

To get a little more specific to React, here’s a couple of React imports.

Import React

Import React and Component.

JavaScript Iteration

Iterating through a list of items is not difficult but it does get repetetive (no pun intended).

For each iteration

For of iteration

For in Iteration

React Native On Visual Studio

JavaScript Functions

Functions are obviously something that we write every day. Here’s a few different ways to generate them.

Anonymous Function

Named Function

React Lifecycle Methods

Now, we can dive into more React specific stuff. Let’s start with Lifecycle Methods.



React Native Setup In Visual Studio Code




React Components

With the snippets we’ve mentioned so far, you have the ability to stub out most of a React component by combining them, but it gets better! Here’s some snippets that will generate an entire component for you!

React Class Component

React Class Component With Prop Types


React Functional Component

Other Snippets

We’ve covered a bunch of snippets in this article, but there are several more. Here’s a couple of categories that might be worth a deeper look!

  • React Native
  • Prop Types
  • Redux
  • Tests
  • Writing to the Console


Never write code that you don’t have to. My only caveat to that statement comes if you are learning. If you’re new to a language or framework, avoid snippets while you’re learning. Write it all out for the experience! After that, SNIPPETS AWAY!